What We Do
At Beacon, we understand the impact that sight loss can have on every aspect of your life, and we’re here to support you every step of the way. From being a friendly face when you need advice, to helping you make key decisions about supported living, employment and more, we’ll be your rock whenever you need us, to help make life that little bit easier.

We help people with sight loss to live the most independent lives possible. From building confidence and reducing isolation, to developing your employment and life skills and advising you on the latest assistive technology, our support has the power to transform lives.
Our bespoke support covers a range of key areas, including:
We’ve been supporting people with sight loss since 1875, so whatever you need help with, our experienced team are sure to have the answers. Whether you need guidance on practical steps such as registering as visually impaired, or whether you’re looking for bespoke support for specific visual conditions, we’re here to listen and signpost you to the help you need.
For over 20 years, we’ve been running a transport service to help individuals get to our centres at Sedgley and Stourbridge, as well as getting out and about in the community, so if you need a helping hand to get around, we’re on hand to make things easier.
We launched our first employment programme back in 1882, and since then we’ve been working to give people with sight loss the skills and confidence they need to get back into work. We offer a number of schemes to provide tailored support, from help with job applications to IT training and much more.
We offer on-site accommodation at Beacon Court, which is located at the Beacon Centre in Sedgley. We also have a team of community outreach workers who can provide a range of support for adults living in their own homes, allowing individuals to live as independently as possible.
Our telephone befriending and support service can provide advice and peace of mind for those with sight loss, as well as combatting loneliness and isolation. Most of our volunteer callers are living with sight loss themselves, so can offer the experience and understanding you need when you’re looking for help.
Talking News is a free service produced by Beacon each week for people living with sight loss, so you can feel well informed and connected with your community.
As well as supporting individuals experiencing sight loss, we also work with organisations to help them understand the role they can play in supporting people with visual impairment. We offer sight loss awareness training, lunch clubs and lots more, to help organisations better support their staff, customers and communities.

We're here to help!
If you're living with sight loss and need support with any of the above, we're here to help! To find out more, get in touch or drop into one of our centres to meet our friendly team.