Black Country Collaborations
Beacon are committed to working collaboratively with partners from all sectors to improve the health and wellbeing of people across the Black Country and beyond. We actively seek to establish and develop formal and informal partnerships that enable us all to achieve more and make a greater difference for individuals and communities.
We are a founding member of the Combined Partnership in Dudley, which brings together voluntary sector organisations to collaborate, learn and influence policy and practice. This partnership has been the touchstone for how we build and grow our collaborative working, enabling us to achieve an impact on a greater scale.
Current projects and partnerships:

Healthy Communities Together
2021 – 2025
The project was conceived by the Combined Partnership to transform the way the health and care system works together, by placing the VCSE at the heart of this and ‘putting people first’ to ensure meaningful change within our communities occurs.
Beacon are the lead for the project and have brought together partners across the Black Country from Voluntary Sector, Local Authority, NHS and Education to understand how we can collaborate, innovate and learn from each other to make a lasting difference.
The project has four strands of delivery:
- Organisational development including leadership development and coaching and mentoring.
- Priority Activity – Including funding for voluntary sector representation and pilot programming
- Digital Accessibility – Ensuring individuals and communities are at the forefront of digital developments to increase accessibility and engagement
- Evidence Base and Sharing Learning – expanding the impact of the project beyond those directly involved.
The project is funded by National Lottery
To find out more contact Andy BillinghamMental Health and Wellbeing
Beacon have been working collaboratively with Black Country Healthcare Foundation Trust since 2021, to pilot new ways of working to improve the mental health and wellbeing of communities across the Black Country. We developed a pilot programme in Dudley to reduce the impact of seasonal pressures on services in 2021 that was then expanded across the Black Country.
We are currently the lead partner for two programmes across Dudley funded by Black Country Healthcare Foundation Trust.
Better Together – Wider Determinants of Health
This programme is generously funded by Black Country Healthcare offers a personal and flexible approach to help and support. Our services are helping people like you in Dudley. We can enhance your wellbeing with our support in these areas: Improving your mental health Education & employability Welfare rights & housing support Physical health activities and Social connection Together we can build a healthier, happier community in Dudley.
Useful Links

Talking Therapies Plus
This is a brand new pilot programme developed in partnership between voluntary sector and the NHS to increase capacity for clinical provision and emotional support programmes across the Black Country. Beacon is the lead partner of the provision in Dudley, the partnership provides access to 121 and group counselling, condition specific emotional support programme and bereavement support.
The programme is focused on adults, especially those who don’t feel comfortable accessing traditional NHS services. Individuals can be referred to the project or self refer.
View client referral form.
To find out more or to make a referral, contact DudleyTTP