Live well with sight loss in South and East Staffordshire
Whether you want to find work, improve your emotional wellbeing, or learn more about how digital technology can make life easier, if you’re living in South or East Staffordshire, we have a range of support programmes that can help.
To start your journey to independence call us on 01902 880 111 or email
Employment support
On our free employment support programme our friendly team can help you with:
- CV tips
- Digital training
- Interview coaching
- Application forms
- Career advice
- Job searches
Digital Support
If you would like to learn more about technology, we can help.
Whatever your ability, our team will support you to get the most out of your mobile phone, tablet, computer, or any smart device.
Whether you want to be more social online or are interested in the latest assistive technology, our training will be focused helping you achieve your goals.
Fab Lab Placements
Would you like to gain new skills and build your confidence in a fun, friendly environment?
Beacon offers free training for people with sight loss in our digital manufacturing hub, Fab Lab.
Our digital skills course will teach you to:
- Craft products from design to manufacture
- Get creative with the latest digital technology
- Use Adobe software
- Gain new skills for future employment including administration and customer service
Emotional Support
Our Living Well With Sight Loss Course can provide you with information, advice and support as well as practical solutions for people impacted by sight loss.
Whatever stage you or a loved one are at in your journey, we’ll ensure you are informed, enabled and able to stay connected with your community.
We can also offer counselling support to help you adjust to your visual impairment.