WEEK 22 30th October 2023

£1000: D.564 Jason Martin
£150: N.193 Pat Marshall
£100: L.224 Jamie Williams
£75: C.618 Mr R Taylor
J.082 | X.254 | B.108 | B.545 | D.188

L.615 | K.241 | B.602 | J.299
E.064 | N.120 | M.941 | B.043 | N.502 | I.014 | J.551 | N.667 | J.161 | U.447
L.941| K.550 | W.860 | B.075 | M.795 | E.686 | G.901 | N.468 | W.580 | L.453

And a special congratulations to the winners of our special giveaway prizes:
F.867 Mrs T Fellows wins a pair of stadium tour tickets!
F.324 Helga Lawton-Wilkes wins a museum guide signed by Michael Oakes!
J.714 Emma Brian wins a pair of Wolves earbuds!