Householders are being urged to have a clear out of their drawers in aid of a good cause next week.

The area’s leading sight loss charity, the Beacon Centre, is holding a donation week at the centre between January 30th and February 4th.

Donations of good quality clothes, furniture, books, electrical items and homeware can be made at any of its seven shops across the Black Country and Staffordshire.

Money raised from sales at the retail outlets help the charity support people around the region living with sight loss.

The Beacon Centre’s head of enterprise Tracey Ford said: “After Christmas many people have a lot of items they no longer need but if you think someone else could give it a new home then why not donate it to our charity and help us change someone’s life.”

As well as donating via the shops donations can also be dropped off at the charity’s Sedgley base on Wolverhampton Road East or its Stourbridge Centre at the Mary Stevens Centre on Hagley Road.

Larger items including furniture can also be collected. Call 01902 880 111 and ask for the shop to find out more.